
Showing posts from January, 2011


So how do we keep it all together. There are ways to work out what it is that you want to accomplish in our life. Journalling. I know it is not a new concept. Writing down things help you look at how you are planning your life. You are putting down the blueprints to your life and your life's journey. It will help with spending habits, eating habits, exercise or the lack there of, etc.. Let's deal with finances first. As stated before you need to see what you are spending money on. For one week write it all down (every last bit of change that goes out of your pocket-tips included). Then add it up. While you are writing down in one column what you are spending gather up all your credit card bills, mortgage or rent payments, cell phone, cable, internet, land line, gasoline, electric, gas, life insurance, car payment, college loans, car insurance, property taxes, home owners insurance, renters insurance, and any other monthly bill that you pay out.Do not forget to inclu...

Price vs Quality

You cannot put a price tag on life. That is the bottom line. In life we have to make decisions everyday that affect the quality of our lives. Our thoughts are the most important investment we have in life. It is how we view ourselves and not how others view us is the first thing we need to get a hold of in life. If we allow ourselves to be ruled by how others will see us we may become paralyized or at worst never express our true feelings or be who we were meant to be. This does not mean just shouting from the roof tops what ever is on our mind. Rather it means taking the time to reflect on who we are and what do we as an individual mean to us personally. The following are types of questions you may want to ask yourself: What do I mean to those around me? What was I born to do? What do I want to accomplish? What talents do I have? What talents do I hid? What does the voice within wish to tell me? Being a quality person is more important than being a person who is fixed on being a pers...