This is the best day of your life
Hey folks this is the best day of your life. I know that the world at large is stating that we have lack everywhere we go. That is what the media would like us to believe. Fear and suprise sells papers. It makes great news stories. It keeps the public mesmerized to the screen. Right now CNN is on the background and there is a facination with hearing about news that is riddled with pain and human trauma. I want to say this to all of you ...."THERE IS ONLY GOOD." This is a simple statement. You have choices people everyday of your lives. There are choices to make decisions whether you will focus in on the good or the so called bad in our lives. We do have choices. I have found myself giving blow by blow images to friends of the so called bad that has occured in my life. I heard a crash literally the other evening while I was in bed. I looked around the house and there was nothing to be found. I realized that it was a boom from the universe to make me become aware of what I was...