
Showing posts from 2008

New Day New Thoughts

What is it that you really want to do with your life. Let me share some of the things that have been going on in my world. I have new ideas and new thoughts every day..sometimes they work out and sometimes they don't. What I have been doing is making a list of what I want in my life. Sometimes just speaking to a friend can bring out inspiration. We all need to be pushed a little bit to make our ideas into reality. Everyone right now is focused on the news and what the newsmakers are telling you , "what we need to be concerned about." It seems that money is on everyones mind right now. How is the change in the economy really affecting you? I cannot answer that question for you. You can only answer that for yourself. What is the cause of your anxiety over all of this? Please take the time to answer that for yourself. I can share this with you, it is short but sweet. I really believed that I didn't need to follow my heart for the longest time. I believed that I had to be...

The Beginning of A Story

Today is the beginning of a new day. I will be posting my story Maryanne and the Majic Horse and the Band of Innocence. Many years ago a story came into my head about children being so powerful that through their innocence they were able to change the way adults conducted business. It goes with the old addage...a small child shall lead them. Mary Anne is a young girl who is neither little or a teen ager...that is one of the hardest times in life if you remember...well. you wil be able to see the full segments soon. Please share this with all your will inspire and bring joy to all who read it...The Story Begins... Band of Innocence MaryAnn and the Band of Innocence Type of Work: Text Registration Number / Date: TXu000669463 / 1995-01-23 Application Title: Mary Anne and the band of innocence. Title: Mary Anne and the magic horse : a story. Description: 1 v. Copyright Claimant: Robert Agnello, 1953-, &...

This is the best day of your life

Hey folks this is the best day of your life. I know that the world at large is stating that we have lack everywhere we go. That is what the media would like us to believe. Fear and suprise sells papers. It makes great news stories. It keeps the public mesmerized to the screen. Right now CNN is on the background and there is a facination with hearing about news that is riddled with pain and human trauma. I want to say this to all of you ...."THERE IS ONLY GOOD." This is a simple statement. You have choices people everyday of your lives. There are choices to make decisions whether you will focus in on the good or the so called bad in our lives. We do have choices. I have found myself giving blow by blow images to friends of the so called bad that has occured in my life. I heard a crash literally the other evening while I was in bed. I looked around the house and there was nothing to be found. I realized that it was a boom from the universe to make me become aware of what I was...

life is a bonus

Life my friends is a bonus. Today it is raining and yesterday it was storming. You just have to look outside and see how beautiful the day really is. Last night I was thinking about all the things that I have done in my life. I have been a witness to so many things. I have seen acts of kindness, cruelty and indifference. There is no perfect world and there are no perfect people. We have our imagination to create what ever we want to create. That is a great place to be for the most part. It is in our imagination that we create who we are and what we believe our lives to be. If you focus in on cruelty and anger you can find it where ever you go. If you are in love and happy usually you see nothing but joy and good. It is the ability to stay in that state of being that is the key to life that is able to bend and flex with the way life is. Life is ever changing. There are times in all of our lives that we wish we could press the fast forward button. That my friends is the truth. Someday I ...

Learn to Laugh

Hello it is the new year and I have not put out a blog for over two months. Well it is the new year and I want a blog that everyone will be able to participate. I will be working on joy and happiness. To add the fun I will be asking everyone to email me or post comments on how you are doing as a community. First things first. If we are unhealthy then we are not living life to our fullest potential. I want to say that I am commited to improving my body and giving it the gift of strength and great nuitrition. In the following episodes I will be sharing with you time management strategies that work so you can be the best person you want to be. I recently went to a gathering and it was filled with the most wonderfully engaging people that I had met in a long time. We talked of so many things that it was filled with laughter and joy. There was not one lull in the entire evening. What makes chemistry and magic between people. It is the intention that everyone throws out to make lif...